Biorizon is a cross-border initiative between Research & Technology Organisations (RTO) TNO and VITO. Biorizon aims to include the global leaders in the fields of feedstock, conversion, equipment and end products as participants in the Shared Research Center, based on the open innovation methodology.

Biorizon is located at the Green Chemistry Campus in Bergen op Zoom, The Netherlands, at the heart of industries between Antwerp and Rotterdam. Additionally Biorizon is operating research laboratories on the VITO premises in Mol, Belgium and in Petten, The Netherlands.

For the initiators, Biorizon is a unique opportunity to accelerate the innovation required and, in doing so, contribute to the realization of the biobased economy.

TNO from the Netherlands and VITO from Belgium, who have years of experience with this form of collaboration, are supplying the researchers. They deploy their knowledge and experience in the field of biotech, thermochemistry, chemistry and process technology. Furthermore, they work together closely with a select group of academic organizations around the world.

About TNO

TNO is an independent research organization that, on the basis of its expertise and innovations, makes an important contribution to the competitive strength of businesses and organizations, the economy and the quality of society in its entirety. TNO occupies a unique position thanks to its versatility and its capacity to integrate this knowledge.

About VITO

VITO is a leading European independent research and technology organisation in the areas of cleantech and sustainable development, elaborating solutions for the large societal challenges of today. 

Biorizon is powered by


This project is made possible by a contribution from the European
Regional Development Fund (ERDF) within the framework of OP-Zuid.

Op Zuid