Thanks to Biorizon’s high-quality facilities, specialized knowledge, years of experience and the successful involvement of the entire bio-aromatics value chain, we manage to produce bio-aromatics continuously (on a kg/h scale). We are currently validating our continuous processes and working with industry partners toward the next stage: demonstration. This makes Shared Research Center Biorizon the most advanced and valued research program in sustainable bio-aromatics worldwide. We offer the chemical industry an excellent platform to make the transition to a circular bio-economy.
Do you want to contribute to our mission to enable commercial production of bio-aromatics by 2025? Come and join us! Take a look at the Biorizon projects for inspiration, and reach out to our business development managers for more information.
01-11-2019 - 31-10-2022 /
Green Chemistry Campus
ZCORE Project: Seaweed Residues for Superior Bio-Coatings
In the ZCORE project, 6 partners have joined forces to demonstrate that seaweed residues can be utilized for the production of biobased coatings (paints) with superior application properties.
01-01-2018 - 30-10-2020 /
Alkmaar, The Netherlands
Black Birds: combined thermochemical and catalytic processing adapted for the production of high-value products and energy from lignin

Black Birds is a Dutch TKI project that considers low-temperature gasification for the valorization of lignin residues from biomass fractionation processes. High-value compounds like bio-ethylene and bio-aromatics are harvested from the product gas instead of being just converted in syngas by using novel co-production technologies (adsorption, absorption, and catalytic conversion). Gasification thus becomes a ‘thermochemical biorefinery’. The combined application of low-value biomass and co-production schemes eventually results in a reduction of the production cost of green gas and biofuels.
01-05-2017 - 30-04-2021 /
Mol, Belgium
LigniOx: Lignin oxidation technology for versatile lignin dispersants

Biorizon co-initiator is partner in a new project, called LigniOx: Lignin oxidation technology for versatile lignin dispersants. The aim of the LigniOx Innovation Action is to demonstrate the techno-economic viability of alkali-O2 oxidation technology (LigniOx) for the conversion of variable lignin-rich side-streams into versatile dispersants, and especially high-performance concrete and mortar plasticizers.
01-01-2017 - 31-12-2019 /
The Netherlands

The TKI-toeslag project E4BioFRAME (BBE-1706) is a 24-month project which started in January 2017. Apollo Global R&D, Dura Vermeer Infrastructuur and Progression-Industry strive for replacing (part of) the fossil fuel usage in their products by renewable substitutes, e.g. based on lignin-rich residues (e.g. from paper and pulp industry and woody/grassy biomass streams). By pyrolyzing the lignin-rich residues, oils and char can be obtained that can either be used as additive or as substitute for fossil fuel based materials. ECN, part of TNO has extensive knowledge of pyrolysis as well as having several facilities for conducting pyrolysis experiments.