

Save the Date: December 3rd Biorizon’s 7th Annual Event

Please save the date for Biorizon's 7th Annual Event on Bio-Aromatics, which will take place online on Thursday December 3rd. By popular demand, we will still arrange matchmaking sessions that can be scheduled in advance. More details on the program will follow soon.

Over the past years this event has developed itself into a 'must visit' event for anyone who's interested in renewable aromatics. Last edition attracted 156 participants from 14 countries that engaged in 180 matchmaking sessions and that valued the event with an 8.3 out of 10. 

We're looking forward to meeting you online. Registration will open this summer. For now, we kindly ask you to please save the date:

Please click here to add this event to your calendar


Biorizon's 7th Annual Event on Bio-Aromatics

Get informed on the latest progress in the field of biobased aromatics and join the pre-arranged bilateral matchmaking sessions! On December 3rd 2020 Shared Research Center Biorizon will host its 7th Biorizon Annual Event on Bio-aromatics online.

Large industry players, small to medium sized enterprises and research and technology organizations from all over the world will join us to discuss the latest progress in the field of bio-aromatics and to elaborate on the opportunities to accelerate biobased business together.

If you have any questions about this event, please contact marketing & communications manager Emke Mol via or +31 (0)6 14 21 66 55.

Biorizon is powered by


This project is made possible by a contribution from the European
Regional Development Fund (ERDF) within the framework of OP-Zuid.

Op Zuid