Exclusive: Lignin as Antioxidant - A Review
Biorizon co-initiator VITO provides exclusive access to a review of 'lignin as an antioxidant' that has not been published before. Adding lignin-based molecules to polymers increases the antioxidant activity of the blend without negatively affecting the mechanical properties of the product.
Lignin is the most abundant natural substance composed of aromatics. Currently is it mostly used as low cost fuel, but recent studies discovered several uses for lignin as additive for polymers. When added to polymers it can act as plasticizers and filler, reduce water absorption, improve mechanical properties, processing performance, flame retardancy and increase the antioxidant activity.
Researches dedicated to measuring antioxidant activity of technical-, fractionated-, depolymerized lignin and lignin monomers when added to polymers, all concluded that the addition of lignin does increase the antioxidant activity of the blend without negatively affecting the mechanical properties of the product.
Various assays can be used to determine the antioxidant activity of the different types of lignin. These assays work via different mechanism and thus all give an insight of the activity from a different perspective. The more different assays are used on a lignin the more information is gathered on the antioxidant activity of the lignin and it’s use as an antioxidant.
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